Mission :: " Education & Training to have innovative and creative teachers for social development. "
Bansidhar Maha Vidhyalaya Orai was established on 2004-05 as a residential cum affiliating college of Bundelkhand University Janshi,U.P. The College is one of its Kind with objective of providing and regulating higher by conducting several academic programmes educational streams. The College has always been on the part of steady and continuous growth since its inception. The successful expansion of academic activities in terms of new academic programmes, exponential growth through world class infrastructure, continuous quality improvement measures and above all a long term commitment towards perfection and excellence in imparting higher education, are some factors on the basis of which the college has emerged as one of the leading college of the nation.
To provide education to all the sections of the society.
To produce well & professionally trained teachers.
To facilitate the research work in the field of education.
To develop multi- dimenstional personality of the students
To innovate in education technology
To create new technology, process and visual aids for education
To adopt and render the relevant techniques
To improve the classroom learning and skill development.